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Discovery of Knowledge 


This program is designed to advance the learning that happens in Montessori preschool during the child’s Kindergarten year. While preschool class has academic possibilities which carry the child well into the elementary level, the developing attention span and growing curiosity of kindergarten-aged children is often met by a longer day with more involved learning activities. Older students are given the opportunity to learn from more advanced academic work which will prepare them for the elementary level.  Reading and math skills are refined through the pursuit of not only cultural objects and science but also sensorial activities and lessons. Special attention is given to the children for readiness for successful transition into the first grade.  In addition to reinforcing their academic knowledge, this experience enhances their self-esteem and develops their self-confidence which enables them to try new challenges in later learning.    In the Kindergarten Year, students will also be introduced to our Spalding Program which is an intensified reading, writing, spelling phonetic program. The students will also participate in an advanced Spanish program.  Emphasis will be on reading, writing and conversing in Spanish. For a complete explanation of our Kindergarten Program contact our program director.

Meet The Teacher

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Ms. Tina 

Lead Teacher 

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